Ich heisse Toadflakz, ein Offizier von der BlackStar Alliance - Midnight UK/EU Competitive Team. Ich spreche bisschen Deutsch, aber fuer diese nachricht ich moechte das ins Englisch schreiben. Hoffentlich gibts da keine sache damit... ;-)
I didn't realise I could post this diplomatic message without registering on your forums, so please ignore that registration request if I don't need it. But back to the point: Greetings from the BlackStar Alliance - Midnight!
We are struggling to find teams that are able to field 12 competitive players regularly, who are not currently engaged in a tournament and were wondering if you gents would be interested in a scrim or two against us? We rate your Companies equally strong as we have at various point in time beaten or been beaten when we have faced you in the 12-man queues.
We would look to play a best of 5 as 3/3/3/3 with strikes, IS only until the result of the best of 5 is decided and then maybe a Clan/mixed IS/Clan drop, if you're up for that. We would alternately choose maps with you choosing the first map. As for scheduling it would ideally be Sundays at 19:00 GMT (20:00 BST, 21:00 CET). We do have a few German speaking players to act as diplomats on TeamSpeak.
If you are interested, please could you email me on toadflakz@gmail.com or you are also welcome to register for our forum at http://www.blackstaralliance.com and post a discussion about the scrim in our Diplomacy forum. We have a few German speaking players to help with coordination via Teamspeak and you are also welcome to come visit and discuss with us (or we could come to you - please let us know).
Anyway, have fun and see you on the battlefield! o7