Witzig gemacht aber zeigt auch wie viele AMS man am Ende eigentlich braucht wenn zwei AMS in perfekter Position nicht für eine einzige LRM 15 Salve reichen.
kein bild, kein video, aber ma n englischer witz zur aktuellen politischen lage:
So Russia is occupying Ukraine and Britain, France and America come along; America demands "Russia, you're gonna have to get out of there!" "Why" Russia retorts, the president asked us to come!" "Do you hear something?" France asks no one in particular. "You need to stop interfering in Ukrainian politics!" Britain grumbles. "No, you need to stop interfering in Ukrainian politics!" Russia shoots back. "Mon ami, do you hear something?" France asks again. "Nope" America responds, again demanding "Russia, you've gotta leave; you're violating international law by being here." "We're protecting our own people!" Russia says defensively. "You're interfering with the Ukrainian government's attempts to do its job." Britain snaps. "I swear I hear something!" France mutters. "This government is illegal!" Russia barks. "It was the people's will!" America retaliates. "People's will my ass" Russia retaliates "You instigated the coup!" "Guys, there is definitely a noise." France "We did not instigate anything!" Britain says defensively "We were simply supporting a legitimate opposition to a dictator!" "Dictator!?!" Russia screams "He was democratically elected!" At that moment France yells as loud as possible "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" There is a deathly silence and suddenly they all notice a muffled shout. They look down and Ukraine moans "Will you all get off! It was bad enough when it was just Russia, but seriously; I am not waiting till the rest of the EU gets here!"
MI MI MI MIMIMI! MIII! I'm stuck here on the inside looking out I'm just another case
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